
Given our Business Model, it is essential to have a cryptocurrency native to our ecosystem to back up our utility. One of the key focuses of the greatest initiatives in web 3.0 is ensuring that they have the support of a huge community; similarly, Enigma's main objective is ensuring that we establish our brand with the backing of our members.

We used a unique approach, combining appealing visuals, NFTs, and world-building, with the pragmatic use case on our freelancing platform that intends to connect project creators with skilled service providers. Emotion builds connection, and this is what Enigma seeks to achieve.

To make sure that our ecosystem remains sustainable and that our token holders are rewarded throughout the scaling period, we have carefully thought of ways to approach our Tokenomics.

Enigma token taxes:

Pre-Platform Launch: 4% tax on purchases, 4% tax on sell

Post-Platform Launch: 1% tax on purchases, 1% tax on sell

The taxes collected will be used for any ongoing development, marketing, and as an incentive to bring the top service providers on the market to our platform.

Users of the Enigma platform will have available as payment options: Ethereum, USDT, and also our native cryptocurrency. One of our primary goals will be to encourage both buyers and sellers to use our cryptocurrency on the site. We have adopted a competitive strategy, and our taxes will be lower than those of our present competitors.

Given that scaling up the ecosystem is one of our main priorities, taxes from deals secured with other currencies will return to the project's liquidity.

Last updated